Heuristics Science’s Digitalisation Journey: Advancing Beyond Online Lesson Delivery


Heuristics Science was founded by Mrs Linda Koh who has over 2 decades of teaching experience in Science. They are the pioneer of the breakthrough in TCR Method based on heuristic and specialise on the answering techniques to open-ended Science questions. Their students ranged from Primary 3 to Secondary 4.

Digitalisation Journey

Online lessons are not something new to Heuristics Science, they were already offering it before the pandemic and have overseas students from countries like Brunei, Japan and Thailand. Therefore when things took a twist, their well-trained teachers made the change to virtual classrooms swiftly. 

Heuristics Science did not face any challenges during the pandemic. Instead, they advanced further by identifying areas for improvement to raise their efficiency and teaching effectiveness. This is when they decided to fully digitise their teaching materials and incorporate SmartJen’s worksheet and analytic features.

Now, the process for setting worksheets has been simplified. The teachers’ workload has reduced immensely and students are able to do more practice questions at their own time without the constant need for teachers to create new worksheets from scratch. Together with the auto-marking function, their students now receive immediate feedback instead of waiting for the teachers to manually mark them like before. 

With increased efficiency, Heuristics Science has channeled time saved from the admin work into teaching. This provides the teachers with more time to do in-depth discussion during lesson time, sharing more quality information and guidance.

Heuristics Science can now gain instant insights into their students’ progress through the analytic tool. The performance report gives them an idea of their weaknesses and allows them to do targeted teaching. It also allows them to give more timely feedback to the parents. 

Forward Action

Heuristics Science is not just stopping there. Further developments are ongoing behind the scene with SmartJen as we customise and incorporate AI features into their answering techniques. With AI-technology infused, we can expect to see more sophisticated and intelligent elements that can further support Heuristic Science to teach more efficiently and effectively.

With Singapore’s endemic approach and the situation settling down, Heuristics Science sees the demand for physical lessons returning. However, this does not change their hybrid lesson mode and they will continue to leverage on technology for a seamless online-offline learning, staying prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

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